


Faculty of International Studies





【国際学部】学生広報委員による新任教員(ジート?サプコタ先生)へのインタビュー(English ver.)



What is your field of study?

 My main field of study is Development Economics, with a particular focus on International Development. My research explores how globalization influences our lives, societies, and nations. I am also interested in inclusive development and gender equality.

Why did you decide to go in that field?

 Growing up in rural Nepal, I witnessed numerous development challenges and prevalent discrimination and inequality. These early experiences deeply influenced my decision to pursue a career dedicated to meaningful research and teaching. By studying development economics, I found a pathway to address these issues and work towards creating a more equitable and just society.


How did you spend your college life as a student?

 Thank you for asking such an interesting question! Reflecting on my college life, I would say it was both the toughest and most rewarding period of my life so far.

 As I mentioned earlier, I grew-up in rural Nepal, where higher education opportunities were scarce and financial support was limited. I faced significant challenges. My older siblings were unable to attend college, but I was determined to break that cycle. I moved to Kathmandu, where I balanced working as a home tutor with my studies. It was challenging to adapt to city life, but each new piece of knowledge I gained in my classes boosted my confidence and motivation.

 My time in Japan was a transformative experience. At Waseda University, I spent five enriching years earning my Master’s and Ph.D. in International Studies. Thanks to generous scholarships from the Japanese government, I could fully immerse myself in my studies without financial worries. The academic environment, abundant resources, and vibrant Japanese society left a lasting impression on me. My professors greatly influenced my thinking, and I formed deep friendships with students from around the world. Overall, it was a truly glorious chapter of my life.

Why did you decide to become a professor at university in Japan?

 Thank you for your thoughtful question. I decided to become a professor because I enjoy connecting with enthusiastic and curious young minds, inspire future leaders, and contribute to my field of study. I love to see my students develop new skills, gain fresh insights, and achieve their dreams. Seeing them grow and succeed is so rewarding to me.

 Similarly, I choose Japan because, I admire Japan for its strong academic tradition and excellent environment for education and research. Kyoritsu Women's University, in particular, appealed to me for its commitment to global perspectives and empowering women through education.

Do you feel any cultural differences between Japan and Nepal?

 Absolutely, there are cultural differences between Japan and Nepal. In Japan, time is highly valued, and everything goes as scheduled. Whether it is about trains and other public transport systems, or event management, or even private causal meeting, no matters what it is, Japan places the top importance on punctuality. It is amazing not only to me, I hear many foreigner feel the same. In case of Nepal, people usually take a more relaxed approach to time. Additionally, collectivism is more deeply rooted in Nepalese society, whereas individualism is more prevalent in Japanese society.

 Despite these differences, both countries share common values, such as a deep respect for tradition, family, and community.

What do you like about Japan or Japanese?

 Very good question. In fact, initially, I came to Japan for a short two-year stay, but I found myself increasingly drawn to Japanese society. The respect, discipline, and hard work that characterize the culture here deeply resonate with me. For example, the way people greet each other with bows and the meticulous attention to detail in daily tasks reflect a profound respect for others and for the work they do.

 I'm also impressed by Japan's commitment to innovation and sustainability. The country's advancements in technology and its efforts to create sustainable living environments are truly remarkable. Whether it's through the development of cutting-edge technology or the implementation of eco-friendly practices, Japan continually strives to improve and innovate.

 Moreover, the warmth and kindness of the Japanese people have made my time here very positive and enriching. From the friendly neighbors who welcomed me into the community to the colleagues and students who have shown immense support and friendship, the people of Japan have made a significant impact on my experience. Their generosity and willingness to help others are qualities I greatly admire and appreciate.

 Overall, my initial short stay turned into a longer and more fulfilling journey, thanks to the wonderful aspects of Japanese society that I have come to love and respect to Japan and Japanese people.

What is your impression of our faculty and students at Kyoritsu?

 Well, I find the students at Kyoritsu to be highly motivated and enthusiastic about leading meaningful lives. Each student has unique dreams and ambitions, which are evident in their insightful reaction papers and class activities that motivate me for making my classes more interesting and useful to them.

 My colleagues at Kyoritsu are equally admirable. They are dedicated and supportive, fostering an environment that promotes both academic excellence and personal development. Having worked in various organizations—academic and non-academic, governmental and private, international, national, and local—I can confidently say that Kyoritsu offers the best working and learning environment I’ve experienced.


Finally, please tell a message for Kyoritsu students.

 Sure. To all Kyoritsu students, remember that there is nothing more empowering than gaining new skills and acquiring knowledge. Your college years lay the foundation for your future, so make the most of this crucial time.

 Embrace the opportunities you have now, approach your studies with curiosity and determination, and believe in yourselves. You have the power to achieve your dreams and make a significant impact in the world. Keep learning, keep dreaming, and keep pushing your boundaries.

 I am excited to see your continued progress and bright future.




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